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A Fascinating New Perspective on the History of Reiki with Jojan L. Jonker and Dori-Michelle Beeler

A Fascinating New Perspective on the History of Reiki

With Jojan L. Jonker and Dori-Michelle Beeler

Hosted by Yolanda Williams

Dr. Jojan L. Jonker

Jojan L. Jonker

Reiki Master, Independent Scholar in the field of Religious Studies, Author

Jojan Jonker graduated in Computer Science in 1986 (RU Leiden). He worked for many years as an ICT consultant. One of his specialties was the influence of a company’s culture and the human factor on ICT projects which overlaps with what today is called ‘business spirituality’. 

In 1994, Reiki came on his path, and in 1998 he became Reiki Master. He developed a special interest for new spiritualities and healing. In 2010, he graduated in Interreligious Spirituality (Radboud University Nijmegen), continued in 2011 as an external PhD Candidate, and obtained his doctorate in 2016.


Dori-Michelle Beeler

Dori-Michelle Beeler

Reiki Master, Applied Medical Anthropologist, Author

Dori-Michelle Beeler is a medical anthropologist working at the intersection of health and religion. In 2016, she published an ethnographic account of Reiki practice in Britain. Contributing to an anthropology of well-being and as it concerns religion, this work explores the multiple intersubjective spiritualties within Reiki and their specificities to culture and environment, broadening the conceptualization of spirituality for future research. 

Dori was introduced to Reiki in 2010 and in 2016, she became a Reiki Master. In addition to being a practicing Reiki Master, Beeler is involved in academic teaching and patient-centered research aimed at improving the quality of life for cancer survivors.


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