7 Surprising Aspects of Reiki Practice
With Ellen Mahloy
Hosted by Yolanda Williams
Ellen’s Offer
Reiki with Angels Weekend: www.ellenmahloy.com/reiki-weekend
Psychic Angel Communicator
Free Online Conference that will cover psychic development related to Reiki practice.

Ellen Mahloy
Reiki Master, Psychic, Founder of the Reiki with Angels™ & Partner in the Ethereal Network
Ellen is the founder of the Reiki with Angels™ healing modality which integrates Usui Reiki therapy and working with angels – specifically Archangel Raphael. Ellen is the presenter of the 5-day Psychic Angel Communication Conference™ and the Reiki with Angels™ weekend, a weekend Reiki Share for people who integrate working with angels into their Reiki practice.
Ellen became psychic suddenly after taking a Usui Reiki II class on February 23, 2003. Ellen is clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and more. She is known for her ability to communicate with angels, dead people, animals and faeries. Ellen, and her collective of co-teachers, teach psychic development and Reiki with Angels to people worldwide via self paced classes and webinars. And she works with medical doctors and hospitals using health intuition.
Prior to becoming psychic suddenly in 2003, Ellen was a tech executive who specialized in large scale IT project management. She is a Certified Project Management Professional and occasionally does business consulting. Ellen co-owned BE Healthy Expos, LLC – presenter of the Richmond Alternative Health Expo from 2007 – 2011, she was a Managing Partner at Opalessie LLC – a small product development firm from 2016 – 2019, and she is a partner in the Ethereal Network – a streaming tv channel focused on metaphysic, natural health and uplifting content.
Websites: www.ellenmahloy.com | www.reikiwithangels.com
Instagram: instagram.com/ellenmahloy
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ellenmahloy